This school since its inception in 1994 strived to impart a competent education to budding nurses. School is recognized by Indian Nursing Council (INC), New Delhi, and Assam Nurses’ Midwives’ & Health Visitor Council, Guwahati.
Nursing education empowers one to lift oneself from darkness to light. Nursing education should not be confined only to books, but empower oneself to explore various avenues. Modern nursing: has evolved from the era of Florence Nightingale- the pioneer of nursing profession. Since then, nursing profession has been flourishing with zeal and compassion.
Nevertheless, the profession still holds firm to its noble value of “love” “care” and “selfless service”. Thus, nursing education has a crucial role to play in meeting the health care needs across the globe.
The School takes pride in itself of having beautiful campus, excellent infrastructure, pre-eminent skill labs and good library facilities, School provides conductive learning environment for the students and teaching learning labs are optimally equipped with skill development facilities. The School of nursing focuses on holistic personality development in the students. School has excellent, efficient and highly motivated faculty who plan meticulously all the curricular and co-curricular activities for the students. Our students excel in sports, curricular and co-curricular activities. Our Alumnae are sought after by many health care institutions in India and abroad for their excellence in discipline and devotion in the nursing profession.